Coronavirus Dynamics: The Undulating Playing Field

April 30, 2020 § Leave a comment

The plandemic has exposed many weaknesses in the system. What has been clearly revealed is its innate classism. Here we can see the composition of the “disposable class.” This is where the struggle for justice must begin

Highlights of Some Contemporary Challenges

History has a way of reminding us that while the good times are great, a business as usual mentality comes with many unforeseen risks and challenges. Good times are in some cases pathways to complacency, apathy for some, and a “winner takes all” attitude. On a positive note, the stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues have turned around many mindsets. There are now significant and unprecedented levels of compassion, empathy, and more, originating from many populations.

There was the first world war, there was the Spanish plague, there was the second world war and for the last 60+ years, we have had to live in a world of misgivings; ranging from populism to political unrests and instability in several parts of the world, primarily the Middle East and some parts of Asia.

When the current Covid-19 started in December 2019, many assumed that like its predecessors H1N1, SARS, different…

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